Turning the Tide Under Sails 2.0

Aktions-Segeltörn für Klimagerechtigkeit


In einem partizipativen Vorbereitungsprozess organisieren wir eine internationale Segelreise auf dem Traditionssegler LOVIS. Teilnehmende sind Menschen aus verschiedenen (europäischen) Ländern, die in der Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung aktiv sind. Wir wollen uns auf dem Törn vernetzen und voneinander lernen - dabei stehen inhaltliche Themen mit einem Bezug zu Klimawandel und Ostsee im Vordergrund, methodisch wollen wir uns mit neuen Aktionstechniken und Lobbying-Strategien vertraut machen.

“Turning the Tide – Streaming for Climate Justice” will again be the motto of our second cruise, that will take place in early September 2019. Onboard of the two traditional sailing vessels LOVIS (https://lovis.de/en/) and HAWILA (https://www.hawilaproject.org/) we will learn a lot about sailing and travel in an environmentally friendly way from Lübeck via Århus and Copenhagen to Malmö from 31st August until 14th September.
Our aim is to spend this educational and action-loaded trip dealing with the demand for climate justice in workshops, talks and various forms of artwork. At our destinations we will creatively draw attention to the opportunities of a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable way of life in cooperation with local groups. We invite you to contribute to the program and to bring your ideas, interests, questions and skills.
Now it is the time to sign up: if you want to participate in the sailing trip, please fill out our application formula and send it to us until 3rd August.
We would be happy to learn from the experience and knowledge each one of the participants has. Therefore, we kindly ask you as a participation condition to prepare a workshop about a topic you are experienced or interested in beforehand. We envision a culture of awareness and respect during the trip and expect all participants to follow this vision.