Resilience in farming communities in Malawi

Grassroot project from YSD Malawi & YSD Germany

Donnerstag, 27.1.2022 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr
Donnerstag, 27.1.2022 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr
Kontakt: Hannah Uther
organisiert von
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YSD Germany

We, YSD Malawi and YSD Germany are two grassroot organisations, who have been working together for several years now for climate justice and power sensitive South-North partnerships.

In different projects, YSD Malawi has been working together with small-scale farming communities in Malawi to strengthen their climate resilience and food sovereignty.

In the current project, the focus lies on socio-economic resilience through value chain addition and use of indigenous crops. Jekapu Dishani and Joseph Sakala from YSD Malawi will share their experiences and we want to have a discussion about the project and the related topics. We further aim to give some insights into our cooperation and partnership.

Please register under ysd(at) in order to receive the link to the Zoom meeting.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

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