JANUN is the abbreviation for JugendAktion Natur- und Umweltschutz Niedersachsen e. V (Youth Action Nature and Environmental Protection Lower Saxony). The addition "youth environmental network Lower Saxony" has been in use since the late 1990s. JANUN is a statewide network of youth associations, youth environmental offices, project and other independent groups in the field of nature and environmental protection in Lower Saxony and is, as such, unique in Germany.
We are a network with many committed people that gives young adults under the age of 27 an opportunity to participate, along with other volunteers, in several activities and topics related to environmentalism. JANUN attempts to spread awareness about ecological and social issues and displays suitable courses of action on an individual and political level. Simultaneously, JANUN creates multiple possibilities and structures, which can help young adults to form new connections and strengthen their engagement.
JANUN was established in 1989. During this time, discussions were held within the youth environmental movement to combine the existing associations BUNDjugend and NAJU into a joint environmental youth network. First, by joint working groups, then by establishing their own association. The founding associations are as followed: Naturschutzjugend Niedersachsen, BUNDjugend Niedersachsen and Deutsche Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung (District Lower Saxony).
Currently, we have around 20 active members and project groups Mitglieder- und Projektgruppen. The active members at JANUN have collectively agreed upon establishing 14 principles Grundsätze, which their work is based on. Once per year, the Assembly of the Delegates Delegiertenversammlung (Deli) takes place, the Council of Coordination Koordinationsrat (KoRa) serves as a regular network meeting. You can find more information about the structure, our objectives and the composition of the committees in our statutes Satzung (PDF).
The open board is called Brüter. Their meetings are open to all so that everybody can engage in the decision-making process. The state youth offices Landesjugendbüros in Hannover, Lüneburg and Oldenburg are responsible for connecting and accompanying statewide activities. On top of that, the offices concern themselves with tasks regarding coordination and administration. The association is a member of the Landesjugendring (State Youth Council) Lower Saxony and is recognized as a provider of political education schemes for adults, which acknowledges extracurricular youth support and education.
The topics reach from classic environmental protection and activism up to criticism of globalisation and consumerism. The JA!NUN festival occurs annually. Each year the focus is put on a specific topic.
Participation and Engagement
You have the chance to participate at JANUN with an internship Praktikum, a voluntary service (FÖJ) or even during the writing process of an academic research paper wissenschaftlichen Arbeit freiwilligen Jahr.
There are many opportunities to get to know and help to shape JANUN, such as the open board offenen Vorstand and multiple active groups aktiven Gruppen.
You can even start your own projects and project groups at JANUN. Of course, we support you in the process of organizing your voluntary activities.
If you are interested in leading a youth group, you can find relevant information during our youth leader training Jugendleiter_innenausbildung (JuLeiCa).